Foreign Visits

Dr Lee Qianjun: academic visit to Wuhan Institute of Virology

Date:24-07-2009   |   【Print】 【close



On July 25th, Dr Lee Qianjun from the Southern Research Institute, USA, took academic activies in Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Dr. Lee Qianjun has been engaged in the study of control of outburst infectious diseases. In addition to working in the Southern Research Institute, he is also a researcher at the School Of Medicine, University Of Alabama and an active member of the Society of Virology and Invertebrate Pathology of the United States. In the morning of July 25th Dr. Lee gave an academic lecture titled "Anti-viral Drug Discovery against Arboviruses" in the Lecture Hall of WIV. He showed his achievements in the field of arbovirus both of the basic research on Bluetongue virus that causes in apoptosis of infected cells and of high-throughout drug screening basing on cell-titering system. The results he brought forth on the antiviral substances and their characteristics interested the audience greatly who discussed warmly with him on the related topics for a long time. In the afternoon Dr. Lee visited the National Key Laboratory of Virology and then talked passionately with the WIV faculty side by side on the undergoing projects forgetting the sweltering summer heat and the time elapsing.

At his first visit to WIV, Dr. Lee appreciates the fruits produced by this institute deeply with wishes to construct long and deep linkage of communications and cooperations with the institute.

(By Zheng Dasheng, Group of Arbovirus and the Vector Control, Wuhan Institute of Virology)